Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Preparing for the Digital Learning Showcase

This week the focus is preparing for the Intermediate's Digital Learning Showcase. This full-day event is a way for teachers on campus to learn more about the resources available to them. I will be working alone in sharing this information on this campus since I use to teach here, I understand more of what the 5th and 6th-grade teachers may find useful. 

Originally the day was scheduled for February 27th. However, we just learned that the campus is having DBA's, District Benchmark Assessments, on the 27th and 28th. My mentor has moved the day to Tuesday, February 26th because of this. 

I'm excited to be able to run this since I've experienced this from the teacher's side before. 

I am showcasing NearPod, Dojo, Flipgrid, and providing a link to the district's library resources. Out of the programs, I am most familiar with ClassDojo, having used it a few years ago for behavior management. In order to fully prepare myself to answer questions, I am training all I can on the programs. 

Nearpod is quite interesting and I'd really like to become a certified Nearpod Teacher. I have just registered to take a Webinar on the 27th of February, unfortunately, this is after the digital showcase, but I believe it will allow me to answer any follow-up questions that might arise regarding the use of this program. From there I'm going to try and become certified by fulfilling their requirements. 

I've used ClassDojo many times in the past, this program is an excellent communication tool to use between the classroom and home. The obvious use is with classroom management. This real-time tool communicates every time a child is given a point and briefly describes the reason for the point given or taken away. In addition notifications for upcoming events or links to study materials can be shared. I've used Quizlet in conjunction with ClassDojo. 

Flipgrid is a great way to stimulate prior knowledge through a topic and links to videos, photos, websites, and such. Then the pupal can leave a video response. This tool is excellent for students who may have difficulty responding via written text. Logging in as a student is simple and can be scanned by QR code or a basic code, for example, my digital learning day I had teachers log in with jedi3.  

Brainpop, of course, shows wonderfully engaging videos, but they can be used to follow through lessons with concept maps, activities, and quizzes. 

There is so much to share with the teachers on Tuesday.

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