Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring Break Activities with Learning and Leisure

Spring Break 2019 Activities

Though working on my internship, other college class, and the multitude of things that need to be accomplished at home, I am well aware of burn-out and want to take some time to reflect. Therefore during my Spring Break, March 11-15 was a well-structured week. 

I took my Mid-term for my other college class on Human Development then quickly moved into the study for my upcoming Comprehensive Exam. I'm quite nervous because of the importance of the exam not just to my plans to graduate this semester, but because I need to start working again as finances are getting tight. On the other hand, I'm excited to show what I've learned. Having made straight A's in all my classes, I feel I should have the knowledge I need to pass. 

As mentioned before there was one day of rest and recharging came in the form of a fishing trip with my family. Since my siblings and I were kids we would go camping and fishing together and we continued that tradition through losing my Father in 2004 and the recent loss of my Mother in January of this year. This year's camping trip did not come to pass due to my Human Development class. Camping does not afford a chance to get onto the internet to take Mid-term exams. The fishing weekend was fantastic however and there is nothing more important than being with family and the people you love. 

In reflection, I feel this blog is a true journey of this semester including the holiday's impact on my learning. I know many years ago when I was an undergraduate I did nothing during my spring break in relation to school. Now 17 years later about to graduate with my Masters, I want to excel, not to be competitive with others as much as with myself. My first degree was to secure a reliable career. This Masters degree is to fulfill a long-held dream of mine to be an Instructional Technologist with a school. It's amazing to see how I've changed in the almost twenty years between degrees and I want to make this best of this opportunity. 

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