Friday, April 12, 2019

Time to Teach!

April 8th

It was on this day that I taught several fifth-grade classes about Classlink. It was interesting dealing with students I didn't know or have a relationship with. I've worked as a teacher or so many years where I build up relationships which aid in me being able to meet individual needs and better address any behavioral concerns. 

This day the students came in and were with me for 45 minutes before leaving. It was nice, though the classes were brief, that students seemed to enjoy being with me and offered me goodbyes, I even received a few hugs. 

The challenge with today was that I didn't have any time in between classes. That would have been helpful as I taught from 11:00-2:30. It would have been nice to have time to go to the restroom without someone having to temporarily watch the students. The schedule was created by the campus, though and as an experienced educator, I've learned to be flexible and go with the flow. 

I wasn't so concerned about the chatty classes, they did, after all, complete their work. Their chattiness is brought in with them from the expectations of their homeroom teachers. Homeroom teachers who have a successful behavior system in place had classes that were quieter in nature. 

Another issue that was unavoidable, but quite irritating, was when students had issues logging in. This could only be addressed by my mentor who was watching on. I would have preferred to have had her simply observe. Fortunately, the issue only occurred for one or two classes and I'd simply have students line up close to my mentor so she could give them log in and passwords they needed.

On a side note, I'd like to share I just received my comprehensive exam notification and I passed!!! 

At this point in my internship, I need to work on my cyberbullying presentation. I've almost finished my storyboard. On Monday my computer crashed, possibly from an issue with my heat sink. I'm on my laptop, but it is quite limited in what I can accomplish on it since all my programs are on the desktop. I tried to create a powerpoint video yesterday and the laptop wasn't recording my audio correctly. 

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